How to Stay Sane While Isolated

I know most of you are in some way affected by this Corona crisis. Many of you are living in quarantine and being isolated.

Even if you’re not, you’re probably staying away from meeting up with friends and family for a while. So what can you do during this crazy time to stay sane?

Here’s a few ideas:

Reach out to your friends, family or neighbours and ask how they’re doing. Call them, or even better, video chat to see their faces. It makes a difference and I’m sure they would love to see you, even if it’s just through a screen.

Read good books. No surprise this is coming from yours truly. Personally, I’m reading a book about body languge, but I do have many books in my shelves to go through.

Don’t fall into the dark pit of the media. Seriously, how many times do you really want to be reminded of how many people are currently infected/has died? It’s not good for your mental health, so please, try to limit your intake of bad news.

Do continue to take showers. Even if you live alone and others won’t be disturbed by your smell, you will feel better if you take care of yourself.

Get some daily exercise. If you move enough to break a sweat for about 20 minutes, your brain will release happy hormones which will make you feel – that’s right – happier! If you can’t go outside, check out online classes or make up your own routine.

Take a walk in a park or forest if you can go outside. Something called forestbathing is amazing for your mental health and will, like working out, release those happy hormones.

Watch good movies/tv-series. By good I mean those that will make you feel happier. Here are some links to the lists of my personal favorites:

Inspiring Movies Part 1:

Inspiring Movies Part 2:

Inspiring TV-Series:

Do you have any tips on what to do while isolated? Please share in the comments.

Sending you lots of love!

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