Veckans Virala -Weekly Viral (v 6)

Den här veckan sköt SpaceX upp en raket med en Tesla Roadster. I bilen hade en docka placerats som passande nog döpts till Starman, och självklart iklädd i rymddräkt. David Bowies album Space Oddity spelades i högtalarna.

Bilden ovan delades på både Elon Musks Instagramkonto och på SpaceX Flickrkonto. Länk till Elon Musks Instagramkonto hittar du här och länk till SpaceX Flickrkonto hittar du här.

Om du missade dessa bilder så får du här nöjet att se Starman färdas i rymden, med jorden i bakgrunden. Och visst ser det rätt coolt ut?

Last pic of Starman in Roadster enroute to Mars orbit and then the Asteroid Belt - Elon Musk



This week SpaceX launched the Tesla Roadster into space. In the car a dummy named Starman had been placed, wearing an appropriate outfit, while the David Bowie album Space Oddity was playing.

The photo above was shared by Elon Musk on his Instagram account as well on the SpaceX Flickr account. You can find Elon Musk’s Instagram here and the SpaceX Flickr account here.

In case you missed these amazing photos here are some of them to enjoy! Aren’t they cool?


Falcon Heavy Demo Mission - SpaceX Flickr

Falcon Heavy Demo Mission - SpaceX Flickr.

Falcon Heavy Demo Mission - SpaceX on Flickr

Veckans Inlägg Instagram – Instagram Weekly

Boudoirfotografering i Eskilstuna – Läs mer här

Boudoirfotografering Eskilstuna

Sometimes you have to give yourself pep talks, like ”Hello, you’re a badass, you’re beautiful and I love you”.

See the post here



Skogsfotografering norr om Stockholm, barfota i 0-grader. Det var ännu kallare än det ser ut!

Se inlägget här


Skogsfotografering Stockholm

Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere
And sometimes, in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself.

This photo was created in a forest north of Stockholm. It was 0 degrees outside and so much colder than it looks! And yes, I was barefoot.. See the post here

Veckans Inlägg Instagram – Instagram Weekly

Den första bilden togs norr om Stockholm vid en liten insjö. Vädret var helt perfekt den här dagen och hela himlen med solnedgången speglades i vattnet. Klicka här för att komma till inlägget.

Skärmavbild 2018-02-04 kl. 19.29.09

What a beautiful thing it is to stand tall and say ”I fell apart, and I survived”.

Link to the post here.



Tropiskt regn

Efter att ha kommit en bra bit in i den tropiska regnskogen i Ocala, Florida, drog ovädret in över oss. Detta var den sista bilden som togs innan vi flydde. Hela beskrivningen från äventyret finns under bilden!

Skärmavbild 2018-02-01 kl. 21.59.48

Tropical rain
When we went to the incredible Ocala National Forest in central Florida there were these trails you could hike to truly see the wonderful nature. The thing was, right before we started walking, a lady in the park told us there had been several sightings and encounters with black bears. They even had a sign saying ”Be bear aware” (which of course I thought was funny at first since Björns name is actually bear in swedish). But that was until I asked about what to do if you see a bear. Basically you’re screwed if one decides to attack. It runs and climbs faster than humans so the best thing you can do is stand still, make noises and never EVER turn your back on it. And hope it’s not having a bad day.
So with that information we were thrilled to check out the forest by ourselves. (Not-but we went anyway)
I was pretty nervous so I sang and stomped the entire time until we reached a pond where an alligator was chillin. That was the perfect spot for one of my portraits for the book. I had just changed into the dress and Björn took this one – and the sky opened up. During hurricane season you don’t get much of a warning before it starts to pour. After this we ran to the nearest camping groung until the thunder and rain had passed. I kind of like this one though, and you can see the rain in it.

Link to the post here.



Det här med att skriva ut fotografier – visst tycker ni att det är så mycket roligare att faktiskt se era vackra bilder istället för att låta dem glömmas bort på en hårddisk någonstans? Det tycker jag med!

Länk till inlägget finns här.

mock up poster with vintage hipster loft interior

When I go to different homes I always imagine what the empty walls would look like with printed photographs. In my own apartment I love to switch out my wall art from time to time, but I could never not have art displayed in my home. And did you know that kids growing up in homes with photos displayed of themselves will psychologically make them feel a deeper sense of belonging than the kids living in homes without their photos displayed?
My parents have an entire wall filled with photographs of me and my siblibgs from when we grew up and I LOVE it!
So go and print some of your photos now!

Link to the post here.

Veckans Virala

Den här veckan har det varit svårt att missa brittiska Vogues uppseendeväckande bild på systrarna Bella och Gigi Hadid. De två modellerna ses omfamna varandra, till synes helt nakna, som fotograferats av Steven Meisel och stylats av Joe McKenna.

Bilden har fått många människor att reagera men inte bara på grund av systrarnas pose, utan även för att Vogue är en modetidning och vissa anser därmed att de bör ha kläder på sig. Något annat som har fått uppmärksamhet är hur Bellas ansikte har redigerats kraftigt.

Men vad som har blivit mest omtalat är ändå avsaknaden av kläder och deras pose. Ord som perverst, störande och incestliknande förekommer på sociala medier som reaktion på bilden. Andra tycker att det är vackert och artistiskt.

Vad tycker ni?

Skärmavbild 2018-02-01 kl. 22.10.54

Viral of the week

It has been difficult to miss the controverisal photo published in british Vogue of the Hadid sisters, Bella and Gigi. The two models are embracing each other, what looks like completely nude. The photo was taken by Steven Meisel and styled by Joe McKenna. The image has caused many peaople to react, not only because of the sisters’ posing, but also because Vogue is a fashion magazine and therefore say that nudity is far from fashion. Another thing that has gotten attention is how over-edited Bellas face is.

However what’s been mostly talked about is the lack of clothes and the pose. Words like perverted, disturbing and even promoting incest are floating around on social media. Others think that it’s beautiful and artistic.

What do you guys think?